Published on September 30, 2004 By Tiggz In WinCustomize Talk
I was rating a skin via my new homepage, which if I had gone thru the normal channels I would have given a 9 to. However, as there are only 5 stars in all, and it wasn't quite a perfect 10, I decided to click on the 4 star rating. Later on I was checking out the same skin, but this time via the normal WC library and I saw that I had apparently rated it a 7, which was certainly not indicative of my opinion.

So I decided to go thru all the stars and see what each one translated as:
5 stars=10
4 stars=7
3 stars=5
2 stars=3
1 star=1

it seems, if I use the star sytem to rate, I can either rate something that's pretty-darn-good-but-not-quite-perfect a 10... or a 7.

personally I'd like to keep the marks out of 10 system as it gives a broader choice, but failing that...well, I'm not sure, but the tarif as detailed above seems flawed to me.
Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 01, 2004
I don't think I've rated a blind less than a 6. I'am sure Jafo will check. Walls yes and other things also. If the blind didn't work I might have given a bad rating but I don't remember downloading one . Who knows, been here a long time so I could be wrong.

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on Oct 01, 2004
I think the ratings have their purpose and shouldn't be even allowed to be turned off. Personally what I feel is needed is two categories of ratings. One for general users (though still limited as it is currently to subscribers) and another either for skinners or only for moderators. So that way you can see what the general public likes and what those who know more about the craft of skinning prefer.
I don't choose a skin based on ratings anyway, I base it on my own personal tastes. However I do feel they are important for the skinners to know if their work is well-received or not.

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on Oct 01, 2004
Everytime this subject comes up I feel the need to respond.

WOM isn't a skinner.

But I do know what goes into skinning and how long it takes and I don't think or feel that I should not beable to rate. If you do a whole suite it can take 2-3 months unless you are clonning some of your things and recoloring. Then it will be faster.

If there is a rating system then all WCers should rate.

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on Oct 01, 2004

If a skin gets 5 ratings, chances are the 5 ratings were given according to 5 different criterias, making the overall rating meaningless.

No, there's clear meaning means that by whatever criteria of subjective or emotive opinion incited/inspired the disparate 5 to post a rating the resulting mean is a reflection of the skin's acceptance.

Sure, if 2 rated on technique...and 3 rated on appearance then the averaged result would make no sense if you expected it to reflect only one criteria, eg. technique.


It's an averaging amalgam of opinions, and it gives a perfectly justifiable/defensible indication of a skin's acceptance those 5 people.

It's painfully obvious, however that the next 10,000 viewers/raters may not agree....but that is the blatantly clear failing of a limited rater-application [number of rates applied] and any 'criteria' of rating classification......1 for originality, 1 for looks, 1 for technique, etc will fail exactly equally as well through lack of numbers of ratings to establish a real-world mean reflection.

If Joe Public sees a rating of say '6' his interpretation of that will be [should be] that it has been considered by others before him to be about average or better....purely in general terms, not for example for the pedantic-accuracy-wanters that the start button was rated at 6.  If you were to split criteria then each individual part would be subject to variations of opinion focus/reasoning which would make them all equally 'meaningless' if that were really the case with an overall single rating as it is at the moment.

The only clear, accurate rating method is for it to be purely un- the 'opinion' of one person only....where hopefully that person isn't subject to mood-swings or unlikely animal, but a newspaper film critic would be a case in opinionated opinion.

10 opinionated opinions would give a better inkling of what the film was like.

Perhaps ratings should be applied sees what they are at all [though their application handles band-width screening still].  Instead the skin could display......'rated 6 times'.....just to prompt others to add theirs.

Maybe something could be hard-coded to prevent a rating be applied unless the dl link is clicked first.....might reduce drive-by idiots.

Again, the 'star system' is a bypass this obsession with numerology....


on Oct 01, 2004
Maybe something could be hard-coded to prevent a rating be applied unless the dl link is clicked first.....might reduce drive-by idiots.

This sounds like a really good idea.
BTW Jafo, is the new star rating implementing the system where a rating score given by a Journeyman, Master, Admin, etc 'weights' more than one given by a regular user?
on Oct 01, 2004
A_67....yes.  It means that experience [as reflected by position] has a greater influence on a rating mean so it's essentially more closely a peer rating, however the novice user still has a viable input...
on Oct 01, 2004
is the new star rating implementing the system where a rating score given by a Journeyman, Master, Admin, etc 'weights' more than one given by a regular user?

#7 by Wizop Koasati - 9/30/2004 11:48:38 PM
Maybe it has something to do with the weighted system now in place..........

Was I mumbling or not not typing loud enough?

on Oct 01, 2004

I think that its often hard to get used to one system over another one.  Perhaps its unfortunate that the stars started shining while the numbers were still there for comparison.  In a bit, when it is all one system, and not both ways... when everything is that way.. then it will probably seem more natural. Some old codgers like me take a little longer to change our frames of reference.

I always had my view preferences set to show everything because early on I found great skins rated low.  (either that or my taste is kind of radical)  It would be great if these stars would stop the trolling for good rates, and the vengeful rates too....

Earlier I said that I was surprised to see that I had given a 3 ... I should clarify that to say I was surprised that I had rated at all.  My browser loads a page then when when all the images  have finally loaded it takes a little jump.  So a click in process is often misaimed... I have learned to be extra careful.  But I hadn't really thought of that with the stars... so when I found that I had mistakenly taken a good skin down quite far I was surprised.

on Oct 01, 2004

BTW, about this:

I was rating a skin via my new homepage

How did you do that? Did I miss something?  Where do you have access to the skins library from your new homepage?  All I see are my own skins. Or were you rating your own skins? 

on Oct 01, 2004
You can see other people's skins by accessing their galleries through their home pages.  Or through your watch list.
on Oct 01, 2004
Yeah, I just realized that.
Not exactly my way of browsing for things though, but yes it works.
on Oct 01, 2004

I'm really looking forward to all of the galleries being listed that way.  I was going through them trying to recall some of my favorites and feeling kind of frustrated.  Some of the people don't have a new page and I wanted to give their work reference.

(edited to take out two of the three reallys)  ... sheesh!

[Message Edited]
on Oct 01, 2004
Koasati, I read your comment, but failed to make the connection. My appologies.
on Oct 01, 2004
  no prob........  I seem to be missing connections a lot lately.   
on Oct 01, 2004
Have you tried Cable or T1
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